Puri Jagannadh is presently working for The Businessman Starring Mahesh Babu and Kajal Agarwal. There is buzz from past few days that Puri Jagannadh is planning to remake Chiranjeevi’s blockbuster Khaidi with Mahesh Babu. Puri said, “Mahesh and I have been planning to do this film from three years.”
Khaidi is the film which gave the big break for Chiranjeevi to turn into a number one hero. Khaidi was inspired from a Hollywood film First Blood. This movie was directed by A.Kodandarami Reddy. Madhavi and Sumalatha were the heroines of the film. Paruchuri Brothers wrote the script for this movie.
Khaidi is the film which gave the big break for Chiranjeevi to turn into a number one hero. Khaidi was inspired from a Hollywood film First Blood. This movie was directed by A.Kodandarami Reddy. Madhavi and Sumalatha were the heroines of the film. Paruchuri Brothers wrote the script for this movie.
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